"[In] late 1965, Dylan gave Ginsberg a gift of money which Ginsberg used to purchase a portable tape recorder"--Clinton Heylin
Ginsberg then, with Dylan's approval, made pseudo-bootleg tapes of Dylan's concerts.
Dylan and Ginsberg were close. However, when Ginsberg wrote Dylan ca. 1975 seeking a $200,000 donation for Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's Naropa Institute, the two had not seen each other in four years. (Dylan, in responding to Ginsberg's letter, ignored the request for money.)
Rinpoche was an interesting case. He opposed the use of psychedelics on the grounds that they clouded the mind. But he himself was an alcoholic, and died of that disease.
Rinpoche would sometimes preach drunk. His followers are divided on the extent to which, if at all, his alcoholism detracted from his teachings.